Vesthelm Engine

2.1.1 User Guide

Installing Vesthelm Engine

1. Preparing the Database

You will need an empty database and the following credentials to install Vesthelm Engine. If you are not sure how to create a new database try to find this information or ask your hosting company.

  • MySQL Database Name
  • MySQL Server Address (often localhost or the server IP address)
  • MySQL Username
  • MySQL Password

2. Uploading the Files

After downloading Vesthelm Engine from Downloads Area unzip the files to a folder on your computer. Then use your favorite FTP client to upload the files to a publicly-accessible directory on your server.

3. Setting File Permissions

Provide 'write' - 777 permissions for these files & directories:

Vesthelm Engine:

  • includes/
  • compile_dir/
    • compile_dir/tpl/
    • compile_dir/cache/
    • compile_dir/log/
    • compile_dir/tmp/
  • uploads/

Bulletin Board application:

  • uploads/bulletin_board/
    • uploads/bulletin_board/category_icons/
    • uploads/bulletin_board/images/

Configurations addon:

  • uploads/configurations/

4. Running the Installation Wizard

Point your browser to the URL, for example:

Follow the on-screen instructions to install Vesthelm Engine.

Once the Installation Wizard is finished, you must remove the installation/ directory from your server.

Welcome to Vesthelm Engine!

You can now log in to your Administration Control Panel at