NotNA Template Licenses

Views 8
Date Sep 27, 2015 (8 years, 6 months, 4 weeks, 1 day, 10 hours ago)
Standard license -- $20
NotNA template
One domain use
All JavaScript files located in `{vesthelm_engine}/frontend/tpl/notna/js/vesthelm/` are encrypted
You may not remove footer copyright link "Powered by Vesthelm EE", from the frontend part of the website.
Unlimited access to downloads area
No monthly fee

Standard Plus license -- $50 (After 6 months $1 per month)
NotNA template
One domain use
All JavaScript files located in `{vesthelm_engine}/frontend/tpl/notna/js/vesthelm/` are encrypted
Сopyright removal license (You may remove footer copyright link "Powered by Vesthelm EE", from the frontend part of the website.)
6 months free access to downloads area (access to new version)

Professional license -- $80
NotNA template
One domain use
All JavaScript files located in `{vesthelm_engine}/frontend/tpl/notna/js/vesthelm/` are not encrypted
You may not remove footer copyright link "Powered by Vesthelm EE", from the frontend part of the website.
Unlimited access to downloads area
No monthly fee

Professional Plus license -- $100 (After 6 months $3 per month)
NotNA template
One domain use
All JavaScript files located in `{vesthelm_engine}/frontend/tpl/notna/js/vesthelm/` are not encrypted
Сopyright removal license (You may remove footer copyright link "Powered by Vesthelm EE", from the frontend part of the website.)
6 months free access to downloads area (access to new version)

Developer license -- $500 (After 6 months $5 per month)
NotNA template
Multiple domain use, so you could use NotNA template for multiple clients
All JavaScript files located in `{vesthelm_engine}/frontend/tpl/notna/js/vesthelm/` are not encrypted
Сopyright removal license (You may remove footer copyright link "Powered by Vesthelm EE", from the frontend part of the website.)
6 months free access to downloads area (access to new version)

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