Forum Features

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General Features

Multilingual Content

Unique multilingual content on same website. You can specify content that will display only in specific languages.


JavaScript / CSS files automatically merge into one file for better performance.

Payment Gateways

Vesthelm EE has payment gateway addons that allow to sell sponsored items such as membership or bulletins.

SEO Friendly URLs

The URLs do not contain query strings and they mimic the directory structure of static sites.

Users will find everything they need by using advanced search.

MVC Architecture

Vesthelm EE is based on the Model-View-Controller development pattern (PHP & JS).

Content Management System (CMS)

You can use the full power of CMS like installing new addons and applications.

Template Engine

Ease of use for non-programmers, such as graphic artists or web designers. You do not need knowledge of PHP to develop custom templates.

Automatic Tasks

You don't need to setup CRON to run automated tasks software will do it for you.

WYSIWYG HTML text editor

HTML text editor designed to simplify website content creation.

Easy to Translate

You can translate whole website or add new language via Admin Control Panel.

Thread Features

Sponsored threads displaying at the top of the page. Users can pay for this feature.

Featured threads displaying at the top of the page after sponsored threads. Administrators can use them to show important threads.

Sticky Threads

Sticky threads displaying at the top of the page after featured threads. Administrators can use them to show special threads.

Favorites Threads

Users can add threads to favorites.

Views Counting

You'll see how popular are threads.

Replies Counting

You'll see how many replies are in a thread.

Multilingual Threads

Threads can be shown only in specific languages (depend on forum language).


Thread statuses: active, inactive, banned, awaiting moderation.

Close / Open Threads

Users can't post to closed threads.

BBCodes & Emoticons

Users can use BBCodes and emoticons while posting threads.

Thread Preview

Users can preview threads before posting.

Forum Features

Unlimited Nested Structure

You can add forums as much as you want.

Multilingual Forums

You can create forums which will display only on specific languages. Also forums URLs can be different on specific languages.

Forums Lock

You can lock any forum to prevent users from submitting threads.

Forum Icons

You can specify an icon for each forum.

Forum Default Sort Order & Key

Default sort key and order for threads can be different in each forum.

Threads & Posts Counting

You'll see how many threads and posts will be in forums.

Post Features

Supports BBCode

Users can format their posts using BBCodes.

Smilies & Emoticons

Users can demonstrate emotion in their posts with smilies! You can add custom smilies.


Users can quote another user's post within their own. Nested quoting is supported.

Post Preview

Users can preview posts before posting.


Rich post formatting with WYSIWYG editor.

Moderation Tools

Moderation Queue

New topics/posts can be queued, pending moderator approval (per-forum basis).


Support for moderators and role-based moderators.

Inline Moderation

Moderators get full inline controls (like close/open, stick/unstick, approve/unapprove, move, delete, ban etc.) to affect single or multiple items.

Administrator Notifications

Administrators receive email notifications with direct link to thread or post when someone add/edit threads or posts.

User Features

Access Restrictions

Users are assigned roles and permissions that restrict them from editing content in which they are not authorized to change.

Users can get extra features for a fee.

Private Messages

Instant messaging between users.

Users Registration

Users can register on the website.

Users Confirmation

Users have to confirm email address after registration.

Users Profiles

Users can view other users profiles.

Upload Avatar

Users can upload avatars.

Change Personal Details

Users can change their personal details.

Personal details: First Name, Last Name, Birthday, Gender, Location, Occupation, Interests, Contact Methods. Also password, email, privacy options etc.

Invisible Mode

Users can turn on `Invisible Mode` setting to hide their activity (Administrators can see all user activity).

Event Notifications

Event notifications will send an email about events (such as submit or edit bulletin, new user etc.) to users.

Profile Views Counting

You'll see how popular are users.

Profile Statistics

You can view users profile statistics such as number of comments, number of bulletins, profile views etc. Also latest user comments and bulletins.

Online / Offline Status

You can see if user online or offline. Also you can see when user was online.


Customizable Pages

Custom pages can be customized in Admin Control Panel.

Customizable Menus

Menus and menu items can be customized in Admin Control Panel.

Customizable Blocks

Blocks can be assigned to specific pages.

Customizable Meta Tags

Administrators can change meta tags.

Customizable Email Templates

Email templates (can be HTML or text) can be easily changed in Admin Control Panel.

File Checker

If someone modified, deleted or added files to your website you will receive an email containing modified files.

Contact Us

Customers can contact you by some subject. You can add custom subjects via Admin Control Panel.


FAQ addon allow to add frequently asked questions.


Sitemap addon allow to generate a list of pages accessible to crawlers.

Run Tasks